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Susskind claims in his recent book The Cosmic Landscape that evidence for the existence and nature of `pocket universes' in a multiverse would be available in the detailed nature of the Cosmic Blackbody Background Radiation that constantly bathes all parts of our observable universe. I point out that acceptance of the complex chain of argument involved does not imply possible experimental verification of multiverses at the present time. Rather this claim relates only to theoretically possible observations in the very far future of the universe. Comment: Revised to clarify claims; essential substance unchanged

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arXiv:astro-ph/0603266v2 15 Mar 2006


On horizons and the cosmic landscape

George F R Ellis

Mathematics Department, University of Cape Town,

Rondebosch, Cape Town, South Africa.


Susskind claims in his recent book The Cosmic Landscape that evi-

dence for the existence and nature of 'pocket universes' in a multiverse

would be available in the detailed nature of the Cosmic Blackbody Back-

ground Radiation that constantly bathes all parts of our observable uni-

verse. I point out that acceptance of the complex chain of argument

involved does not imply possible experimental verification of multiverses

at the present time. Rather this claim relates only to theoretically possible

observations in the very far future of the universe.

A recent book by Susskind [1] presents interesting arguments for the exis-

tence of multiverses. Much of that argument is based on quantum field theory

and the non-zero but small value for the cosmological constant, and is not the

concern of this comment, which focuses on issues to do with the nature of hori-

zons in cosmology. The point I wish to make is that Susskinds' contentions

about information flows and the Cosmic Background Radiation ('CBR') in his

book do not imply possible astronomical confirmation of multiverses at any

finite time in the history of the universe.

The multiverse proposal Susskind espouses states that there exist in a single

big megaverse a vast number of "pocket universes" like the expanding universe

domain we see around us, all beyond our observational reach as they are hidden

behind the cosmological horizon. "Our cosmic horizon is about fifteen billion

light-years away, where things are moving so rapidly away from us that light

from there can never reach us, nor can any other signal. It is exactly the same as

a black hole horizon - a point of no return. The only difference is that the cosmic

horizon surrounds us, whereas we surround a black hole horizon. In either case

nothing from beyond the horizon can influence us, or so it was thought. Ac-

cording to classical physics, those other worlds are forever completely sealed off

from our world".1 The significance is that this apparently means that claims of

a multiverse are not susceptible to observational verification or disproof; hence

their scientific status is open to question: "Unfortunately the rest of the mega-

verse of pocket universes is all in this never-never land beyond the horizon.

According to the classical principles of general relativity, we can wonder all we

want about the existence and reality of these other worlds, but we can never

know. They are metaphysics, not physics" ([1], p.340; and see also [2]).

1This quote from [1] is taken from the Introduction, available on the web at http :

//www.twbookmark.com/books/28/0316155799/chapterexcerpt22014 .html .


Susskind counters this objection on the basis of what he terms "the Black

Hole War" - the battle over the fate of information that falls behind the event

horizon of a black hole. He states that the standard view that all information

falling behind the event horizon is irretrievably lost, has turned out to be wrong.

On the basis of a complex discourse involving the No Quantum Xerox Principle,

Black Hole Complementarity, and The Holographic Principle, he makes the

major claim that is the sub ject of this comment:1 "The very same arguments

that won the Black Hole War can be adapted to cosmological horizons. The

existence and details of all the other pocket universes are contained in the subtle

features of the cosmic radiation that constantly bathes all parts of our observable

universe" (my italics).

Now I do not aim to adjudicate here as to whether the Black Hole War

is won or lost: I simply accept for the sake of the rest of the discussion that

information may not after all be lost when it has fallen behind the event horizon.

The key point is that if this is so, it does not have the implications set out in

the italicized statement in the previous paragraph, because the limits on our

present day causal connectivity in cosmology are due to the particle horizon, not

the event horizon [3, 4, 5, 6].

While it is true that "the cosmic event horizon of an eternally inflating uni-

verse is mathematically very similar to the horizon of a black hole" ([1], p.340),

this has nothing to do with limits on information available to astronomers to-

day; these are based on the cosmic particle horizon, which is quite different. The

particle horizon in cosmology (limiting the 'particles' we can see at the present

time) is defined in terms of world lines of matter, and depends on the epoch

of observation; it strictly limits what information about matter we can access

at the present time. Furthermore, it exists in any realistic (almost Friedmann-

Lemaˆıtre) universe. By contrast, the event horizon in either cosmology or a

black hole context (limiting the events we will ever be able to see at any time

in our history) is defined by a limiting past null cone, and relates to the entire

world line of the observer, not any particular observational epoch; whether it

exists or not in a cosmological context is determined by the nature of the end

of our history in the far future [3]. An event horizon will not occur in a cosmol-

ogy that expands forever with cosmological constant Λ = 0 in the far future; it

exists either at a 'Big Crunch' a finite time from now in the future in a k = +1

universe that recollapses, or at an infinite time in the future in a universe that

expands forever with a non-zero cosmological constant (in each case there is a

spacelike future infinity leading to the existence of the event horizon2 [4, 5, 6]).

The criteria for existence of the two kinds of horizon in a Robertson-Walker

universe with scale factor a (t ) are as follows [3]:

- a particle horizon exists if and only if at an arbitrary time t0 in the uni-

verse's history, either the integral R t 0

0dt/a(t ) converges (if the universe started

at time t = 0 where a (t ) 0), or the integral R t 0

−∞ dt/a(t ) converges (if the

2In the black hole case, the event horizon is independent of the world line chosen, whereas

in the cosmological case, different event horizons occur for world lines ending at different

points on this spacelike future infinity.


universe has existed forever),

- an event horizon exists if and only if at an arbitrary time t0 in the universe's

history, the integral R

t0 dt/a(t ) converges (if the universe expands forever in the

future) or the integral R t f inal

t0 dt/a(t ) converges (if the universe comes to an end

at a finite time t f inal in the future where a (t ) 0).

These expressions show how the event horizon relates to the future (obser-

vational events yet to take place), whereas the particle horizon relates to the

past (events that can send signals to be received by us today).

It is the event horizon that is at the centre of the Black Hole information

loss paradox; if the resolution of this problem described by the author is correct,

observers would become aware of any information escaping from their event

horizon as they approached it in the far future of their histories. If information

about what lies beyond a cosmological event horizon were indeed to emerge, this

information would be available to us only at the very end of the universe. This

possibility does not affect present day observations, which are fundamentally

limited not by the event horizon but by the particle horizon - which excludes all

information from other pocket universes in a supposed megaverse from reaching

us at the present time (in essence: there has not been enough time since they

were formed for light from them to reach us).

In reality, the limit is even stronger: no significant cosmological information

reaches us at the present time from beyond the visual horizon - defined by the

world-lines of the furthest matter from which we receive electromagnetic radi-

ation today [7, 8].3 This matter is seen by us as the matter that emitted the

observed CBR at the time of decoupling of matter and radiation in the early

universe. The possible far future occurrence of an event horizon in the uni-

verse will not influence CBR data available to us today, inter alia because that

information is shaped by the interactions taking place in the primeval plasma

after inflation and before decoupling, see e.g. [11]. Prior information is largely

forgotten during this era - thermalization will destroy any subtle correlations

that may exist at earlier times - and occurrence of an event horizon in the far

future of this epoch is irrelevant. Possible other 'pocket universes' do not enter

the calculations [11] of CBR anisotropies.4

In summary: The ESA-NASA Planck Surveyor data on CBR anisotropies

will not have coded into it the nature of multiverse regions enormously more dis-

tant from us than a Hubble radius. Attempts to decipher information about far

distant regions of a megaverse supposedly hidden in that data will not succeed.

The black hole arguments of [1] potentially become relevant only at the end of

our destiny when our past light cone merges with the event horizon, either at

future infinity (t → ∞ on our world line, with Λ 6 = 0 in that limit), or at the

final crunch in a recollapsing universe (t t f inal on our world line, necessarily

with k = +1); they do not affect present day astronomy.

3This is not related to the matter moving away from us at the speed of light, as is often

supposed (see [9, 10]).

4Discussions of 'super-horizon modes' and 'trans-Planckian effects', see e.g. [12], are all

carried out in the context of a single Robertson-Walker universe domain.



[1] L Susskind: The Cosmic Landscape: String Theory and the Illusion of Intelligent

Design (Litle Brown, New York. 2005).

[2] G F R Ellis: "Philosophy of cosmology". To appear in Handbook in Philoso-

phy of Physics, Ed J Butterfield and J Earman (Elsevier, 2006), Section 9.2.

(http://arxiv.org/abs/astro-ph/06022) .

[3] W Rindler, "Visual horizons in world models". Mon Not Roy Ast Soc 116 662


[4] R Penrose, "Conformal treatment of infinity". Relativity, Groups and Topology

ed C M DeWitt and B S DeWitt (New York: Gordon and Breach, 1963), 565.

[5] S W Hawking and G F R Ellis,The Large Scale Structure of Space-Time . (Cam-

bridge: Cambridge University Press, 1973), pp. 127-130.

[6] F J Tipler, C J S Clarke and G F R Ellis, "Singularities and horizons: A review

article". In General Relativity and Gravitation: One Hundred Years after the

Birth of Albert Einstein, Vol. 2 ed A Held (New York: Plenum Press, 1980),


[7] G F R Ellis and W R Stoeger, "Horizons in inflationary universes". Class Qu

Grav 5, 207 (1988).

[8] G F R Ellis and R M Williams. Flat and Curved Space Times. (Oxford University

Press, 2000), Section 7.5.

[9] G F R Ellis and T Rothman, "Lost Horizons". Am. J. Phys . 61 , 93 (1993).

[10] T M Davis and C H Lineweaver, "Expanding Confusion: common miscon-

ceptions of cosmological horizons and the superluminal expansion of the Uni-

verse". Publications of the Astronomical Society of Australia, 21, 97-109 (2004).

(http://arxiv.org/abs/astro-ph/0310808) .

[11] S Dodelson, Modern Cosmology. (Academic Press, 2003).

[12] J Martin and R H Brandenberger, "The Trans-Planckian Problem of Inflationary

Cosmology" (2005). Phys.Rev. D63 (2001) 123501 (http:/arxiv.org/abs/hep-

th/0005209) .

Version 2007-03-15.


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... It has been pointed out, for instance, that the impossibility of observing a multiuniverse implies that its scientific status is questionable. It is in the realm of metaphysics, rather than of physics [45]. It has also been argued that selection criteria like the anthropic landscape must be necessarily supplemented by arguments based on dynamics and symmetry, as only these lead to a real "enlightenment", the former are actually a "temptation" [46]. ...

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... One refers to the anthropic landscape, when the vacuum selection is based on anthropic considerations. This interpretation is not free from criticism: indeed, it has been pointed out, for instance, that the impossibility of observing a multiverse implies that its scientific status is questionable — It is in the realm of metaphysics, rather than of physics [58]. This situation could be altered if the universes could interact. ...

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We review, in a historical perspective, developments in physics which led to the emergence of unifying ideas and theories. Some attention is paid to the theoretical programme that started in the second decade of the XXth century and whose objective was to reach a unified description of gravity and electromagnetism. These attempts can be regarded as conceptually akin to the contemporary "theories of everything" which aim to unify all interactions of Nature. Comment: Latex, 29 pages. Based on talk delivered at the "Mira Fernandes and his age: An historical Conference in honour of Aureliano de Mira Fernandes (1884-1958)", 17 June 2009, Instituto Superior T\'ecnico, Lisbon, Portugal. Typos corrected

... It has been pointed out, for instance, that the impossibility of observing a multiuniverse implies that its scientific status is questionable. It is in the realm of metaphysics, rather than of physics [45]. It has also been argued that selection criteria like the anthropic landscape must be necessarily supplemented by arguments based on dynamics and symmetry, as only these lead to a real "enlightenment", the former are actually a "temptation" [46]. ...

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... The statistical equality of widely separated regions was set up in the early universe when they were in causal contact, so the particle horizon is much larger than the visual horizon. (For clarification of the different horizons, see [109,110].) In spacetimes which are not statistically homogeneous and isotropic, the averaging procedure would not be expected to be useful, and a description in terms of an overall scale factor would probably not make sense. For example, this would be the case if the size of typical non-linear structures were a sizeable fraction of the visual horizon. ...

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This article reviews the properties and limitations associated with the existence of particle, visual, and event horizons in cosmology in general and in inflationary universes in particular, carefully distinguishing them from 'Hubble horizons'. It explores to what extent one might be able to probe conditions beyond the visual horizon (which is close in size to the present Hubble radius), thereby showing that visual horizons place major limits on what are observationally testable aspects of a multiverse, if such exists. Indeed these limits largely prevent us from observationally proving a multiverse either does or does not exist. We emphasize that event horizons play no role at all in observational cosmology, even in the multiverse context, despite some claims to the contrary in the literature.

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Cosmological horizons play an essential role in determining the causal structure of spacetime and are of central importance in the inflationary universe scenario. We review the topic of horizons in simple language, pointing out a number of widespread misconceptions. The use of spacetime diagrams plotted in terms of proper time and proper distance coordinates helps sort out some of these difficulties. They complement the widely used conformal diagrams, which show causal relations clearly but severely distort proper distances.

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Source: https://www.researchgate.net/publication/1785449_On_horizons_and_the_Cosmic_Landscape